Article Marketing: SEO Content With Google Penguin in Mind

 Article marketing is one way to use SEO content to promote your website or blog - but you must keep the Google Penguin update to its ranking algorithm in mind. There is little point in writing fabulous content on your website or informative articles unless you get your linking strategy right.

The Google Penguin update has changed the way you must approach the service you are offering to Google users - those using the search engine to find useful information. We shall first discuss how Google perceives its function as a search engine, and then how you can meet that perception with your article marketing strategy.

Google Penguin Update: It's Purpose

The purpose of the Google Penguin update, to paraphrase Google's webspam guru, Matt Cutts, is to extend the focus of Google's Panda update with respect to false or misleading linking structures. While Panda focused on backlinks in terms of their source, Penguin tends to address the problem of keyword spamming and misrepresentation of web page content.

Keywords should not be repeated excessively, anchor text should be carefully selected and excessive use of the same landing pages will be punished. Each of these elements should be chosen to provide the Google user with the best possible search experience.

Article Marketing and Google Author Rank (Authorship)

Many people who should know better have declared article marketing to be dead because of this. Article directories will be regarded as content farms, and links from them would be ignored. This is nonsense, and article marketing is alive and kicking. However, it is important to make sure you author your articles correctly.

Google author rank is designed to assign high ranking to those individuals generally associated with good, well written content. It is beyond the scope of this article to explain Google's 'authorship' and 'author ranking' concepts in their entirety. Check out your Google Webmasters Tools pages for more information on this - and also your Google+ page.

It is sufficient meantime to use the same Google+ name as your author name in article marketing. State your authorship at the end of each web page. Mine is 'Peter Nisbet,' the same as my Google+ name, my Facebook name, etc. Any other Peter Nisbet coming after me will have to use another name!

SEO Content

The definition of SEO content is content on a web page that relates to the specific topic of that page. Why is the normal convention 'web page' and 'website,' and not 'webpage' or 'web site?' - I could never figure that out - still can't!

The term' Content' generally does not include the contents of the 'Head' section of your HTML - only what is included between the 'Body' tags. SEO content is fundamentally an article relating to the page, but can also include such elements as images, polls and subscription forms. Each of these can be optimized for your page's keyword.

The Meta data, as they are generally referred to, are the SEO elements contained in the 'Head' section of your page HTML: prior to the 'Body' of your web page. Such data are not visible on the page, but are readable by search engine robots.

Every article and every web page should be optimized for one keyword or phrase. The same is true of articles used in article marketing. You can include a secondary or event a tertiary keyword, but you should focus on ne primary keyword, which in this article is 'article marketing. Here, the secondary keyword is 'SEO content' and the tertiary 'Google Penguin.'

Google Penguin Update in Article Marketing

The Google Penguin update impacts on article marketing in several ways. The way you actually write the articles or your SEO content is not affected as much as how you use it. Here are some aspects of the Google Penguin Update that you should address immediately - today!

Anchor Text:

Avoid using keywords as your anchor text. Back in the day this was nectar to Google, but now it is poison - you may be punished by using too many keywords as anchor text just as if you used too many in your articles or content text (1% is good: 3% is suicide).

Use your company name or URL: if your website is '' then 'Mice for Hungry Cats' would be great, as would '' - "Purchase Mice for Hungry Cats Here" is good, but 'natural cat food' or 'feeding cats with mice' would not be.

Google also accepts that 'Click Here' is OK, though not too much of it, but certainly better than using your keyword 'natural cat food.' Around 50- 60% brand names, 20-30% naked keywords (URLs) and the rest as generic ('Click Here') or keyword anchor text would be a good mix.

Landing Pages:

Mix your landing pages - do not lead all links to your home page. Google knows each page on your site is different, so offer those that click to reach your website a page that relates directly to the topic of the page containing the link.

Follow the above advice to begin with, and then learn as much as you can about SEO content and the Google Penguin update. You will then be in a better position to understand the benefits of web content writing and article marketing in this modern age of SEO and Google.

You can find more information on the Google Penguin update on Peter Nisbet's web page 

Learn More About To Improve SEO: 

. If you want to use article marketing to its maximum potential, then Pete's site Article Services is unmissable. He tells you exactly what you need to do with your SEO content for high rankings.


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